Thursday, March 6, 2025

PBIS Classroom Celebration: Beach Day!

Math: Comparing Numbers to 99

First graders continue to develop their understanding of place value and our base-ten number system. This week, they are working to compare and order 2 two-digit numbers based on the values of the tens and ones digits and to record the results of these comparisons with the symbols >, <,  or =.  They are noticing that if a two-digit number has more tens it will be greater than a number with fewer tens, no matter how many ones there are. This is true because we know that the value of the digit in the ones place will always be less than 1 ten because the place value system only allows up to 9 ones. 

Literacy: More Vowel Teams and Suffixes

During word study,  Ffrst graders are learning to segment, blend, and spell words with five sounds and continuing to read words that contain vowel teams including oa, oe, ow, ou, oo, ue, ew, au, and aw. Soon, they will be adding suffixes -ed and -ing to closed syllable base words.  Heart words for our current unit include: any, many, how, now, down, out, about, our.  Please practice reading and spelling these words at home.

In our new unit in Literacy, students launched their learning about birds by focusing on their physical features. Students are considering the guiding question, “What makes a bird a bird?" as they begin to grow their research skills investigating the different physical characteristics of birds through texts, photographs, and videos  During the first part of this unit, students read an engaging mystery riddle and explore mystery pictures to stir their inquiries about the topic of birds.

Health Series: Zones of Regulation

First graders are excited to welcome Mrs. Klocek back into the classroom for another series of first grade Health lessons. They have been introduced to the Zones of Regulation, a curriculum that builds self-awareness of and strategies for emotion management and positive behavior. Information about this program went home in Thursday folders this week.