Friday, February 7, 2025

Wear Red for Heart!


Math: Numbers to 99

First graders began a new unit in math this week focued on developing an understanding of place value for numbers up to 99. Focused on the structure of numbers in base ten, unit activities allow mathematicians to see that the two digits of a two-digit number represent how many tens and ones there are. Exposure and experience with unitizing, a critical first grade skill, is also being developed as they learn that 10 ones make a unit called a "ten" and that quantities from 11 to 99 are composed of some number tens and ones. Unitizing allows for counting larger quantities more accurately and efficiently as well as sets the scene for double digit addition. 

Literacy: Closed Syllables, Vowel Teams, and Writing About the Sun and Moon

Word Study: Students are learning about different syllable types during word study (closed syllables have a short vowel and are closed in by one or more consonants.)  Vowel teams will be introduced shortly, include: ai, ay, ee, ea, ey, oi, oy.  Please practice the following heart words at home with your child: say, says, see, between, each.  During fluency practice we continue to work on reading with accuracy and prosody (expression.)

EL: During our Literacy block students continue to reflect on where the sun and moon appear in the sky and what happens when the sun and moon are at different places in the sky.  We are reading What the Sun Sees and What the Moon Sees by Nancy Tafuri to understand the content as readers and then again as a mentor text to study the author’s craft to begin narrative writing about the topic. The guiding question that we are investigating is, How do authors use their knowledge and observations to write a story?

Second Step: Problem-Solving

First graders are learning about effective problem-solving through our social emotional learning program, Second Step. There are two main goals for this unit. The first is to develop students' ability to solve problems in safe and respectful ways. The second is to develop students' skills for making and keeping friends. Your child has been introduced to the problem-solving process.  Last week, hey learned and practiced the first two steps in the process, S: Say the problem , and T: Think of Solutions.  This week, they learned and practiced the last two steps, E: Explore consequences and, P: Pick the best solutions.